參考資料:How to Execute FMEA - From Theory to Case Study
[attach]2239[/attach][attach]2240[/attach][attach]2241[/attach][attach]2242[/attach][attach]2243[/attach]作者: hlperng 時間: 2018-7-26 13:36:38 標題: 資料解讀
distinguishing feature (ISO 9000:2000, 3.5.1; ISO 9000:2005, 3.5.1; ISO 9000:2015, 3.12.1)
ISO 9000:2005 定義:特性為(物品)特質、可區別的特徵 (CNS) 或可區別的性質 (distinguishing feature of an item)。習慣上,產品的性質稱特性、過程的性質稱參數 (parameter)。
但是 ISO 22514-4:2014 統計專家則不使用產品特性和過程參數的名稱差異,不論是產品或過程,其可區別的性質,或特質,都稱為特性,亦即 product characteristic (產品特性)及 process characteristic (過程特性)。
set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs (ISO 9000:2005, 3.4.1; ISO 9000:2015, 3.6.1)
產品 (product)
過程的結果 (result of a process),(ISO 9000:2000, 3.4.2; ISO 3535-2:2006, 1.2.32)
output that is a result of activities where none of them necessarily is performed at the interface between the provider and the customer. (ISO 9000:2015, 3.7.6)
因素 (Factor) vs. 原因 (Cause)
FMEA 是由下而上的失效分析方法,由失效發生的原因開始下手,分析人員通常根據既有的知識或經驗,列舉出造成分析對象功能無法達成的下一階構成要項可能發生的失效或問題,稱為失效模式,然後探討當這些原因存在時,可能造成的後果是什麼。假如分析時不是依循由下而上的原則,那就不是傳統的 FMEA,只能說那是「另類的 FMEA」,嚴重的說就是「掛羊頭賣狗肉」。
Cause 是要因、Factor 是主因?
Cause: the event that has created a failure mode in a particular element of a product or process. NOTE the difference between Cause and Factor.
Cause is a cause-and-effect relationship that is going on past or present, Factor refers to the causal relationship that may occur in the future.
上兩句的直譯:「原因是過去或現在的原因與效應關係,因素是未來可能會發生的因果關係。」在邏輯上,cause 是充分條件、factor 是必要條件。也就是說,失效原因是主因、失效因素是要因。系統既有設計的因果關係,除非進行設計變更,否則在設計完成時就決定了,所以失效原因 (cause) 是構成未來使用時可能發生失效的充分條件,而使用時則需要存在著足夠的失效因素,失效才會真正會發生,所以說失效因素 (factor) 是必要條件。類似的概念就像資訊系統,軟體本身的脆弱性 (vulnerability) 差是軟體故障的主因 (causes)、外來的病毒駭客等威脅 (threats) 則是要因 (factors)。
根源分析 (root cause analysis):
不要問:「特定的問題」為什麼發生?要問「特定的原因」為何什麼一再發生!根源分析是「原因調查」,不是「再發預防」,因為「再」發表示已經或曾經發生過。等原因澄清之後,再問造成失效根源的管理系統缺點為何,並採取必要的改正行動 (corrective action),包括改變程序書、教育訓練等,這才是「再發預防」。
prevent vs countermeasure
預防與對策措施 (measure)、行動 (action)、對策 (countermeasure)
countermeasure (noun): an action taken to counteract a danger or threat.measure: a plan or course of action taken to achieve a particular purpose. action, act, course.
prevent (verb): keep (something) from happening or arising
Relative Evaluation FMEA - a type of wrong FMEA analyzing and ranking the risks associated with various product failure modes to prioritize the sequence of corrective action. (The correct type is the Absollute Evaluation FMEA.)
Risk Priority Number (RPN) - the mathematical product or the numerical Severity, Occurrence and Detection ratings: RPN = S x O x D. (This is used in the Relative FMEA, which is wrong and impossible to conduct appropriately - see Risk Index.)
It is absured to evaluate the "relative degree of risk" of failure modes.
Risk Index (RI) - the index from the three viewpoints of management technology to indicate the necessity of additional measures.
[tex]RI =^3\!\sqrt{S \times O \times D} [/tex]
S, O, D 的評點範圍: 1, 2, 3, 4,RI 等於 S、O、D 三個數值乘機開三次方,所以,RI 的數值也是介於 1 至 4。