hlperng 發表於 2017-12-2 16:04:46


本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2017-12-14 08:52 編輯

品質學會品質知識社群 (QKC) 研討會
時間:2017 年 12 月 08 日(星期五) 19:00 - 21:00   
地點:品質學會九樓教室(台北市羅斯福路 2 段 75 號)

hlperng 發表於 2017-12-7 11:43:38


本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2017-12-11 09:26 編輯


安全 (safe) 的定義中常用「 ... 的自由或遠離 ...」 (free of ... or freedom from ...),意謂著安全性 (safety) 是指避免造成人員 (people) 死亡、傷害、職業病,設備或財物 (property) 等資產損壞或滅失,或環境 (environment) 污染或破壞等條件的性質。可知安全性議題與風險息息相關,風險算是安全性最常用的指標之一。安全 (safe) 與安全性 (safety) 是同義字,不過仔細加以區分,還是有一些語意上的差異。安全是一種現象、狀態,而安全性為表示安全狀態的程度或者達成安全狀態的能力指標。

安全 (Safe) 的定義:

[*]免於危險或者受到傷害的風險。 (Freedom from danger or the risk of harm.)
[*]遠離危險或者滅失。 (Secure from danger or loss.)
[*]遠離死亡、傷害或滅失機率的狀態。 (A state that is secure from the possibility of death, injury, or loss.)
[*]意外風險很低的狀態 (亦即低危險)。(A state of low mishap risk (i.e., low danger).)
[*]傷害或危險的威脅不存在或極小的狀態。(A state where the threat of harm or danger is nonexistent or minimal.)

安全性 (Safety) 的定義:

[*]免於會造成人員死亡、傷害、職業病,設備或財物損壞或滅失,或者破壞環境的條件。(Freedom from those conditions that can cause death, injury, occupational illness, damage to or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment.) (來源:MIL-STD-882D)
[*]安全性透過第一次以及每一次都把對的事做好而達成。(Safety is achieved by doing things right the first time, every time.)
[*]The state in which the possibility of harm to person or of property damage is reduced to, and maintained at or below, an acceptable level through a continuing process of hazard identification and safety risk management. (Aviation safety, ICAO 9859 AN/474)



危害 (hazard) 可能造成傷害 (injury)、毀損 (damage)、或滅失 (loss),三者合稱為損失 (damage),為將危害所可能造成的損失降到最低可接受程度,必須事先掌握各種危害的風險 (risk)。


系統安全性強調功能安全性,職業安全性以工作場所為主,所以稱為工作安全性,公共安全則以社會保全為處理對象 (societal security)。

另外安全性一般有 Safety 和 Security 兩個對應的英文。Safety 以傳統工業產品為主,Security 在軟體領域稱為資訊安全 (information security)、在金融經濟領域表示證券、金控等。安全性 (safety) 與保全性 (security) 的差異,以產品為例,:

[*]安全性 (safety) 著眼於物品、狀況或事件對外的影響,是指因為產品的存在,對外界的人員、財物、或環境可能造成的危險、破壞、或滅失。基本上物品是加害者、外界是受害者,所關心的是人物還被產品或物品影響的狀態及其程度。安全性與功能性 (functionality) 有關,屬於無意圖的失誤。

[*]保全性 (Security) 著眼於外來因素對物品、狀況或事件的影響,是指物品受到外界影響的狀態及其程度。外界是加害者、物品是受害者。例如:外來威脅、或本身脆弱性,可能造成資料洩漏、暴露被更改等資安事故,類比環境工程(環境試驗)的概念,所關心的是外來的溫度、濕度、振動、衝擊、電磁干擾、輻射線等對物品的影響或破壞。保全性與秘密 (secrets) 有關,為有意圖的失誤。

hlperng 發表於 2017-12-7 11:56:22


本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2017-12-11 09:24 編輯

功能安全性源自航太國防領域的系統安全性 (systems safety),近年來許多複雜的系統產品大多應用資通技術 (ICT) 的電氣、電子與電腦 (electrical, electronic and programmable electronic, E/E/PE)  產品執行控制及防護功能,特別強調這些新興功能產品必須有安全相關系統 (safety-related-system, SRS) 的考量,以保障能衍生的安全問題,稱之為功能安全性 (functional safety)。功能安全性是產品安全性 (product safety) 的首要項目,是提供產品與服務的組織的責任,稱之為產品責任 (product liability)。

功能安全性的重要參數為安全完整性 (Safety Integrity, SI),其定義為:電氣/電子/可編程電子系統,在給定的期間內、在所有給定的條件下,滿意地執行規定的安全性功能的機率。(Probability of an E/E/PE safety-related system satisfactorily performing the specified safety functions under all the stated conditions within a stated period of time.) 系統的安全性能力稱為安全完整性等級 (safety integrity level, SIL),SIL 數值越高、代表安全完整性越高,亦即危險性失效機率越低。

功能安全完整性的重要時間參數:平均危險性失效間隔時間,MTBFD;一般要求,MTBFD > 2 × MTBF。失效率分為安全性失效率,λS,與危險性失效率,λD,兩類;危險性失效率再分為已偵測危險性失效率,λDD,與未偵測危險性失效率,λUD,兩類;其中下標 S 表示安全性、D 表示危險性 (danger)、DD 表示已偵測危險性、UD 表示未偵測危險性 (undetected danger)。

傳統可靠度的定義:物品在規定的條件下、規定的時間區間內,滿意地執行所需的功能的機率。(Probability of an item satisfactorily performing the required functions under the specified conditions within a specified period of time. )。可靠度的重要時間參數分別為:MTBF、λ。


系統產品的功能 (function),初期是以執行任務 (mission) 時的任務功能 (mission function) 為主,系統在其生命週期過程中有可能會衍生的安全性議題,一般稱為系統安全性 (system safety)。隨著安全性技術的發展與應用,漸漸考量到對於使用人員以外的其他人員、甚至對於財物與環境的影響,為了與原有的任務性功能有所區別,產生出新的安全性相關功能 (safety-related function) 的需求,特別稱之為功能安全性 (functional safety)。安全性功能主要是由因應防止或預防個別危害發生而設計製造的控制系統 (control system) 負責,構成控制系統的物品稱為安全性相關零件 (safety-related part, SRP)。功能安全性議題有幾項特質,它的重點並不是討論設備產品的基本任務操作功能,而是著眼於執行任務時的安全性相關功能為考量起點。功能安全性以風險為決策依據,稱之為安全性管理,雖然同樣以管理為主軸,但是安全性管理以產品生命週期及技術程序(系統工程程序) (systems engineering process, SEP) 為主的生命週期管理 (life cycle management, LCM) 或系統工程管理 (systems engineering management, SEM),有別於以組織管理程序為主的品質管理。現代很多產業領域逐漸利用現代電機、電子、與可編程電子產品,執行系統安全性監視、控制或防護功能,功能安全性就是針對這種概念所建構的安全性相關系統 (safety-related system, SRS),討論在產品生命週期中有關物品失效與安全性需求的議題。

功能安全性 (functional safety) 基本概念源自國際電工委員會 (IEC) 在 1998 年所發行的 IEC 61508 系列國際標準,經過 10 年的應用,2010 年 61508 完成改版。在 IEC 61508 推出之後,應用此一安全概念的產業包括石化過程控制 (IEC 61511:2003)、機械 (IEC 62061:2005)、核能 (IEC 61613:2011) 等產業。道路車輛產業在 2006 年開始導入,2010 年國際標準化組織 (ISO) 發行 ISO 26262:2010 系列國際標準,目前正進行 2018 改版工作。目前功能安全性的概念已經從電子技術領域擴散到一般產品領域,諸如機械產品(特別是智慧機械)的 IEC 62061:2005 和 ISO 13849-1:2006,電動車電動馬達重要的可調速電氣驅動系統 (PDS) 的 IEC 61800-5-2:2007、IEC 61800-5-2:2016,可編程工業控制器 (PLC) 的 IEC 61131-6:2012,低電壓配電系統防護裝置試驗量測與監測設備中絕緣監視裝置的 IEC 61557-15:2014,工業 4.0 智慧製造工業通訊網路 (industrial communication networks)  Fieldbus 匯流排的 IEC 61784-3:2016。

一般應用 ICT 技術電氣、電子與電腦系統功能安全性 (functional safety) 相關標準與文件:

[*]IEC 61508:1998 (ed1.0) (7 parts series), Functional safety of safety-related electrical/electronic/programmable electronic systems
[*]IEC 61508:2010 (ed2.0) (7 parts series), Functional safety of safety-related electrical/electronic/programmable electronic systems

道路車輛功能安全性 (functional safety) 相關標準與文件:

[*]ISO 26262:2011 (ed1.0) (10 parts series), Road vehicles - Functional safety
[*]ISO 26262:2018 (ed2.0) (12 parts series), Road vehicles - Functional safety

軌道應用功能安全性 (functional safety) 相關標準與文件:

[*]EN 50126-1:1999, Railway applications - The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) - Part 1: Basic requirements and generic process
[*]IEC 62278:2002, Railway applications - Specification and demonstration of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS)
[*]EN 50126-3:2006, Railway applications - The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) - Part 3: Guide to the application of EN 50126-1 for rolling stock RAMS
[*]IEC 62425:2007 (ed1.0), Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety related electronic systems for signalling
[*]EN 50126-2:2007, Railway applications - The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) - Part 2: Guide to the application of EN 50126-1 for safety
[*]IEC/TR 62278-3:2010 (ed1.0), Railway applications - Specification and demonstration of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) - Part 3: Guide to the application of IEC 62278 for rolling stock RAM
[*]IEC 62279:2015 (ed2.0), Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Software for railway control and protection systems
[*]IEC/TR 62278-4:2016 (ed1.0), Railway applications - Specification and demonstration of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) - Part 4: RAMS risk and RAM life cycle aspects

機器控制系統安全相關零件功能安全性 (functional safety) 相關標準與文件:

[*]ISO 13849-1:1999 (ed1.0), Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design
[*]IEC 62061:2005 (ed1.0), Safety of Machinery - Functional Safety of Safety-Related Electrical, Electronic and Programmable Electronic Control Systems
[*]ISO 13849-1:2006 (ed2.0), Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design
[*]ISO 23849:2010 (ed1.0), Guidance on the application of ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061 in the design of safety-related control systems for machinery
[*]ISO 13849-1:2015 (ed3.0), Safety of machinery - Safety-Related parts of control system - Part 1: General principles for design
[*]ISO 17305:2018,規劃整合 ISO 13849-1 和 IEC 62061 成單一標準,目前進度停滯。

可編程控制器 (PLC) 功能安全性 (functional safety) 相關標準與文件:

[*]IEC 61131-6:2012 (ed1.0), Programmable controller - Part 6: Functional safety

過程產業儀控系統功能安全性 (functional safety) 相關標準與文件:

[*]IEC 61511:2003 (ed1.0) (3 parts series), Functional Safety - Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector

核能系統與設備安全性 (safety) 相關標準與文件:

[*]Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), MORT: The Management Oversight and Risk Tree (1973)
[*]IEC 61513:2011 (ed1.0), Nuclear Power Plants - Instrumentation and Control for Systems Important to Safety - General Requirements for Systems

機器電氣設備安全性 (safety) 相關標準與文件:

[*]IEC 60204 series, Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machine

機器人安全性 (safety) 相關標準與文件:

[*]ISO 10218-1:2006 (ed1.0), Robots for industrial environments - Safety requirements - Part 1: Robots
[*]ISO 10218-1:2011 (ed2.0), Robots for industrial environments - Safety requirements - Part 1: Robots
[*]ISO 10218-2:2011 (ed1.0), Robots for industrial environments - Safety requirements - Part 2: Robot systems and integration

一般電氣設備安全性 (safety) 相關標準與文件:

[*]IEC 61010 (series), Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use

醫療電氣設備安全性 (safety) 相關標準與文件:

[*]IEC 60601-1 (series), Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
[*]IEC 60601-2 (series), Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance


[*]MIL-S-23069:1961, Safety Requirements, Minimum, Air Launched Guided Missiles
[*]USAF, BSD Exhibit 62-41:1962, System Safety Engineering for the Development of Air Force Ballistic Missiles (1962)
[*]AR-385-15:1963, System Safety
[*]MIL-S-23069A:1966, Safety Requirements, Minimum, Air Launched Guided Missiles
[*]MIL-S-38130:1967, Safety Engineering of Systems and Associated Subsystems and Equipment, General Requirements for (s/s by MIL-STD-882)
[*]MIL-STD-882:1969, System Safety Program Requirements
[*]MIL-STD-1522:1972, Standard General Requirements for Safe Design and Operation of Pressurized Missile and Space Systems
[*]MIL-STD-882A:1977, System Safety Program Requirements
[*]MIL-STD-1574:1977, System Safety Program for Space and Missile Systems
[*]MIL-STD-1574A:1979, System Safety Program for Space and Missile Systems (Canceled on 1993 and replaced by MIL-STD-882C:1993)
[*]MIL-STD-882B:1984, System Safety Program Requirements
[*]MIL-STD-1522A:1984, Standard General Requirements for Safe Design and Operation of Pressurized Missile and Space Systems
[*]JPL-D-560, JPL Standard for Systems Safety
[*]MIL-STD-882C:1993, System Safety Program Requirements
[*]ECSS-Q-40A:1996, Space Product Assurance - Safety
[*]MIL-STD-882D:2000, Standard Practice for System Safety
[*]AF-SS-HDBK, Air Force System Safety Handbook, 2000
[*]FAA System Safety Handbook, 2000
[*]NASA NHB 1700.1:2000, System Safety
[*]ECSS-Q-40B:2002, Space Product Assurance - Safety
[*]ECSS-Q-ST-40C:2009, Space Product Assurance - Safety
[*]NPG-8715.3, NASA Safety Manual Procedures and Guidelines
[*]NASA-SP-2010-580:2011, NASA System Safety Handbook - Volume 1: System Safety Framework and Concepts for Implementation
[*]MIL-STD-882E:2012, System Safety

hlperng 發表於 2017-12-7 12:45:25


本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2017-12-10 09:25 編輯

工作安全 (working safety) 最初的名稱為勞工安全 (labor safety)、後來普遍稱為職業安全 (occupational safety),事實上稱之為工作安全可能更具有代表性。畢竟有許多事情是需要有人做,但是並沒有納入正式的執業的定義範圍,例如家管、志工等。工作安全性以利害關係者 (stakeholders) 為考量對象。

有關職業安全標準化的議題,目前是由國際標準化組織轄下的 ISO/PC 283, Occupational health and safety management systems 專案委員會 (project committee, PC) 負責 ISO 45001 相關國際標準的準備與擬訂工作。

ISO 45001 係針對職場安全的需要與期望,比照 ISO 9001 品質管理系統和 ISO 14001 環境管理系統,透過規劃 (plan)、執行 (do)、查核 (check)、與行動 (act) 的管理循環機制,建立周延完善的職業安全管理系統。

[*]BS 8800:1996, Guide to occupational health and safety management systems
[*]ILO-OSHMS:2001, Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems, International Labour Organization (ILO)
[*]AS/NZS 4801:2001, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
[*]BS 8800:2004, Occupational health and safety Management systems Guide
[*]BS OHSAS 18001:2007, Occupational Health and Safety Management (OHS)
[*]BS OHSAS 18002:2008, Occupational Health and Safety Management System - Guidelines for the Implementation of OHSAS 18001:2007
[*]TOSHMS:2007, Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System
[*]BS 18004:2008, Guide to achieving effective occupational health and safety performance
[*]CNS 15506:2011,職業安全衛生管理系統 - 要求 (Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements) (ILO-OSHMS + OHSAS 18001)
[*]CNS 15507:2011,職業安全衛生管理系統 - 指導綱要 (Occupational health and safety management systems - Guideline)
[*]GB/T 28001:2011,職業健康安全管理體系 - 要求 (OHSAS 18001:2007 IDT)
[*]GB/T 28002:2001,職業健康安全管理體系 - 實施指南 (OHSAS 18002:2008 IDT)
[*]BIP 3094:2013, The OHSAS Standards and Guidance Collection - Occupational Health and Safety System
[*]ISO 45001:2018, Occupational health and safety management systems - Reuirements with guidance for use

工作場所 (workplace)


[*]OHSAS 18001:2007, Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements
[*]OHSAS 18002:2008, Occupational health and safety management systems - Guidelines for the implementation of OHSAS 18001:2007

hlperng 發表於 2017-12-7 12:57:57


本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2017-12-13 23:16 編輯

公共安全 (public safety) = 社會安全 (societal security)

國際標準化組織 (ISO) 轄下的 ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience 技術委員會,於2015 年 1 月 1 日成立,合併 ISO/TC 223 社會保全性 (Societal security) (2001-2014)、ISO/TC 247 詐欺反制與控制 (Fraud countermeasures and controls) (2009-2014)、及 ISP/PC 284 私人保全公司 (PSC) 運作品質管理系統 (Management system for quality of private security company (PSC) operations) (2013-2014) 等三個技術委員會。

[*]ISO 20121:2012, 事件永續性管理系統 (Event sustainability management systems - Requirements with guidance for use) (ISO/TMBG + ISO/PC 250, Sustainability in event management)
[*]ISO 22300:2012, 社會安全 - 詞彙 (Societal security - Terminology)
[*]ISO 22301:2012, 社會安全 - 營運永續管理系統 - 要求 (Societal security - Business continuity management systems - Requirements)
[*]ISO 22311:2012, 社會安全 - 影像監視 - 輸出互操性 (Societal security - Video-surveillance - Export interoperability)
[*]ISO/TR 22312:2011, 社會安全 - 技術能力 (Societal security - Technological capability)
[*]ISO 32313:2012, 社會安全 - 營運持續管理系統 - 指南 (Societal security - Business continuity management sytems - Guiance)
[*]ISO 22315:2014, 社會安全 - 大規模疏散 - 規劃指導綱要 (Societal secuirty -Mass evacuation - Guidelines for planning)
[*]ISO 22316:2017, 安全與韌性 - 組織韌性 - 原則與屬性 (Security and resilience - Organizational resilience - Principles and attrubutes)
[*]ISO/TS 22317:2015, 社會安全 - 營運持續管理系統 - 營運衝擊分析指導綱要 (Societal security - Business continuity management systems - Guidelines for business impact analysis (BIA))
[*]ISO/TS 22318:2015, 社會安全 - 營運持續管理系統 - 供應鏈持續指導綱要 (Societal security - Business continuity management systems - Guidelines for supply chain continuity)
[*]ISO 22319:2017, 安全與韌性 - 社區韌性 - 自發性志願者參與規劃指導綱要 (Security and resilience - community resilience - Guidelines for planning the involvement of spontaneous volunteers)
[*]ISO 22320:2011, 社會安全 - 應急管理 -事故反映要求 (Societal security - Emergency management - Requirements for incident response)
[*]ISO 22322:2015, 社會安全 - 應急管理 - 公開警告指導綱要 (Societal security - Emergency management - Guidelines for public warning)
[*]ISO 22324:2015, 社會安全 - 應急管理 - 顏色代碼警報指導綱要 (Societal security - Emergency maangement - Guidelines for colour code alerts)
[*]ISO 22325:2016, 安全與韌性 - 應急管理 - 能力評鑑指導綱要 (Security and resilience - Emergency management - Guidelines for capability assessment)
[*]ISO/TR 22351:2015, 社會安全 - 應急管理 - 資訊交換之訊息架構 (Societal security - Emergency management - Message structure for exchange of information)
[*]ISO 22397:2014, 社會安全 - 建立伙伴安排指導綱要 (Societal security - Guidelines for establishing partnering arrangements)
[*]ISO 22398:2013, 社會安全 - 演習指導綱要 (Societal security - Guidelines for exercises)
[*]ISO 28000:2007, 供應鏈安全管理系統規範 (Specification for security managment system for the supply chain)
[*]ISO 28001:2007, 供應鏈安全管理系統 - 實施供應鏈安全、評鑑與規劃最佳實物 - 要求與指導綱要 (Secrity management systems for the supply chain - Best practices for implementing supply chain security, assessments and plans - Requirements and guidance)
[*]ISO 28002:2011, Security management systems for supply chain - Development of resilience in the supply chain - Requirements with guidance for use
[*]ISO 28003:2007, Security management systems for the supply chain - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of supply chain security management systems
[*]ISO 28004-1:2007, Security management systems for the supply chain - Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 - Part 1: General principles
[*]ISO 28004-3:2014, Security management systems for supply chain - Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 - Part 3: Additional specific guidance for adopting ISO 28000 for use by medium and small businesses (other than marine ports)
[*]ISO 28004-4:2014, Security management systems for the supply chain - Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 - Part 4: Additional specific guidance on implementing ISO 28000 if compliance with ISO 28001 is a managment objective

ISO/TC 262 Risk management

[*]ISO 31000:2009, 風險管理 - 原則與指導綱要 (Risk management - Principles and guidelines)
[*]ISO 31010:2009, 風險管理 - 風險評鑑技法 (Risk management - Risk assessment techniques)
[*]ISO/TR 31004:2013, 風險管理 - ISO 31000 執行指南 (Risk management - Guidance for the implementation of ISO 31000)
[*]ISO/WD 31022:2015, 風險管理 - 法務風險管理指導綱要 (Risk management - Guidelines for the management of legal risk)
[*]ISO/DIS 31010:2016, 風險管理 - 風險評鑑技法 (Risk management - Risk assessment techniques)
[*]ISO/FDIS 31000:2017, 風險管理 - 指導綱要 (Risk management - Guidelines)

ISO/TC 309 (former ISO/PC 278),

[*]ISO 26000:2010, 社會責任指南 (Guidance on social responsibility)
[*]ISO 19600:2014, 符合性管理系統 - 指南 (Compliance management systems - Guidances)
[*]ISO 37001:2016, 反行賄管理系統 - 使用要求與指南 (Anti-bribery management systems - Requirements with guidance for use)

CNS 標檢局:

[*]CNS 31000:2012, 風險管理 - 原則與指導綱要
[*]CNS 31010:2012, 風險管理 - 風險評鑑技法

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