hlperng 發表於 2012-4-23 14:48:41

功能安全性(functional safety)國際標準

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2015-5-6 09:53 編輯

近年來,愈來愈多的電機電子及可程式電子 (electrical/electronic/programmable electronic, E/E/PE) 產品應用在各種產業,以其強大的功能能力,扮演安全監測與安全儀控等安全性任務,這類系統通常被稱為為安全相關系統 (safety-related system, SRS),而這些功能的導入,對人員、財物、及環境等可能會造成或衍生的一些影響,這是屬於安全性的專業領域,變成近年來電子產業必須關注與聚焦的新興議題,為此國際電工委員會 (IEC) 在 1998 年推出 IEC 61508 功能安全性 (functional safety) 系列國際標準。

功能安全性 (functional safety) 的定義:
[*]part of the overall safety relating to the EUC and the EUC control system that depends on the correct functioning of the E/E/PE safety-related systems and other risk reduction measures.  (IEC 61508-4:2010 ed2.0, 3.1.12)
[*]part of the overall safety relating to the EUC and the EUC control system which depends on the correct funcitoning of the E/E/PE safety-related systems, other technology safety-related systems and external risk reduction facilities.  (IEC 61508-4:1998, ed1.0, 3.1.9)
[*]part of overall safety relating to the process and the BPCS which depends on the correct functioning of the SIS and other protection layers. (IEC 61511-1:2003, 3.2.25)
[*]part of the safety of the machine and the machine control system which depend on the correct functioning of the SRECS, other technology safety-related systems and external risk reduction facilities.  (IEC 62061:2005, 3.2.9)
[*]absense of unreasonable risk due to hazards caused by malfunctioning behaviour of E/E systems.  (ISO 26262-1:2011, ed1.0, 1.51)
安全完整性 (safety integrity)的定義:

[*]probability of an E/E/PE safety-related system satisfactorily performing the specified safety functions under all the stated conditions within a stated period of time.  (IEC 61508-4:2010 ed2.0, 3.5.4)
[*]average probabilty of a safety instrumeted system satisfactorily performing the required safety intrumented functions under all the stated conditions within a stated period of time.  (IEC 61511-1:2003, ed1.0, 3.2.73)
[*]probability of a SRECS or its subsystem satisfactorily performing the required safety-related control functions under all stated condtions. (IEC 62061:2005, ed1.0, 3.2.19)

功能安全性專業,在國際標準 IEC 61508 系列架構下,各產業陸續衍生推出符合該產業特色的詳細需求 IEC 或 ISO 國際標準,分別為:

[*]電子產業:IEC 61508 系列 ed1.0 (1998)、ed2.0 (2010)
[*]製程產業:IEC 61511 系列 (2003),IEC 61511-1 ed 1.0 (2003), IEC 61511-2 ed 1.0 (2003), IEC 61511-3 ed 1.0 (2003)
[*]機械產業:IEC 62061 ed 1.0 (2005);ISO 13849-1:2006、ISO 13849-2:2012
[*]核電產業:IEC 61513 ed 1.0 (2001-03-22),ed 2.0 (2011-08-22)
[*]軌道產業:EN 50128 ed 1.0 (2001),ed 2.0 (2011)
[*]汽車產業:ISO 26262 系列 ed1.0 (2011),ISO 26262-1:2011、ISO 26262-2:2011、ISO 26262-3:2011、ISO 26262-4:2011、ISO 26262-5:2011、ISO 26262-6:2011、ISO 26262-7:2011、ISO 26262-8:2011、ISO 26262-9:2011、ISO 26262-10:2012。
[*]白色家電:IEC 60730 附錄 H ed 1.0 (2003),ed 2.0 (2010)

針對汽車產業功能安全性國際標準需求 ISO 26262 系列的架構,車輛測試中心有完整的介紹,連結網址如下:

liaojenyi 發表於 2012-4-23 18:57:16

CNS 15508-1: 機械安全_風險評鑑_ 第1 部:原則

ccceric 發表於 2012-4-23 23:32:12

IRIS - International Railway Industry Standard Rev.02

hlperng 發表於 2012-4-24 15:36:26

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2012-4-24 16:07 編輯

ccceric 發表於 2012-4-23 23:32 static/image/common/back.gif
IRIS - International Railway Industry Standard Rev.02
IRIS - International Railway Industry Standard Rev.02 (2009)是軌道(車輛)產業的品質管理系統標準,一般稱為軌道產業的ISO 9001。相對應的功能安全標準為歐盟的EN 50129: Railway Applications - Communication, Signalling, and Processing Systems - Safety Related Electronic Systems For Signalling (如前所述,其上游標準就是IEC 61508)。(有關功能安全的說明,可參考 http://redi.org.tw/wiki/index.php/功能安全 )

汽車產業相對應於ISO 9001的品質管理系統標準為ISO 16949,其前身為美國的QS 9000。(有關管理系統的說明,可參考 http://redi.org.tw/wiki/index.php/管理系統 )

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