hlperng 發表於 2013-12-23 12:06:42

書籍:論成為領導者 - 領導能力經典(領導,不需要頭銜)(2009)

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2013-12-24 17:03 編輯

書名:《論成為領導者 - 領導能力經典》(On Becoming a Leader - The Leadership Classic)
作者:華倫‧班尼斯 (Warren Bennis)
出版者:Basic Books, A Member of the Perseus Books Group, New York

Copyright @2009 by Warren Bennis Inc.
First Edition Copyright @ 1989 by Warren Bennis Inc.



Contents (內容)
Introduction to the Revised Edition, 2003
2003年作者序 權力來自概念,而非位置

Introduction to the Original Edition, 1989
作者導讀 一個關於轉變的故事

Cast of Characters

1. Mastering the Context
     Surrendering to the Context
     Mastering the Context

第一章 個性與眼光,你有嗎?
     空轉的原因 - 短視成癮

2. Understanding the Basics
     Leaders, Not Managers
     Once Born, Twice Born

第二章 要有改造自己的決心
     領導者的基本要素     這些人都將自己改造為領導者

3. Knowing Yourself
    Lesson One: You are Your Own Best Teacher
    Lesson Two: Accept Responsibilities. Blame No One
    Lesson Three: You Can Learn Anything You Want to Learn
    Lesson Four: True Understanding Comes from Reflecting on Your Experience

第三章 決定做自己,就有追隨者

4. Knowing the World
    Filling in the Gaps
    The Broadening Experience
    Friends and Mentors
    Learning from Adversity

第四章 冒險,這是理所當然

5. Operating on Instinct

第五章 怎樣的本能直覺該相信?

6. Deploying Yourself: Strike Hard, Try Everything
    Reflection and Resolution
    Tests and Measures
    Strategic Thinking

第六章 展現領導力的七個步驟

7. Moving Through Chaos

第七章 你說困境,我說是驚喜

8. Getting People on Your Side
    Integrity is the Basis of Trust
    Using Your Voice for Change

第八章 收服人心的關鍵

9. Organizations Can Help - or Hinder
    Opportunity = Empowerment
    Meaning = Engagement
    Learning = Leading

第九章 哪種公司能讓你能為領導者?

10. Forging the Future
      Ten Factors for the Future
          1. Leaders manage the dream
          2. Leaders embrace error
          3. Leaders encourage reflective backtalk
          4. Leaders encourage dissent
          5. Leaders posses the Nobel Factor: optimism, faith, and hope
          6. Leaders understand the Pygmalion effect in management
          7. Leaders have what I think of as the Gretzky Factor, A certain "touch"
          8. Leaders see the long view
          9. Leaders understand stakeholder symmetry
        10. Leaders create strategic alliances and partnerships

第十章 領導者2.0
           1. 領導者駕駁夢想
           2. 領導者容忍錯誤
           3. 領導者喜歡實話
           4. 領導者愛聽不同的意見
           5. 領導者具有諾貝爾得主的素質:樂觀、忠誠和希望
           6. 領導者善用「畢馬龍效應」
           7. 領導者擁有某種「感性」
           8. 領導者有耐心、看長遠
           9. 領導者了解平衡原理
         10. 領導者善於建立聯盟和夥伴關係

Epilogue to the Twentieth-Anniversary Edition (2009)
2009年新版序 你,是其中之一嗎?


hlperng 發表於 2013-12-23 13:14:13


本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2013-12-24 14:23 編輯

There are four steps in the process behind Norman Lear's success in mastering context:
1. becoming self-expressive;(展現自我)
2. listening to the inner voice; (傾聽內心的聲音)
3. learning from the right mentors;(向益友良師學習)
4. giving oneself over a guiding vision. (遵循遠大願景的引導)

hlperng 發表於 2013-12-23 13:35:13


本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2013-12-24 14:21 編輯


Basic Ingredient of Leadership (領導能力基本要素):
Leaders come in every size, shape, and disposition - short, tall, neat, sloppy, young, old, male, and female.  Nevertheless, they all seems to share some, if not all, of the following ingredients:

The first basic integredient of leadership is a guiding vision.  The leader has a clear idea of what he or she wants to do - professionally and personally - and the strength to persist in the face of setbacks, even failure.  Unless you know where you're going, and why, you cannot possibly get there.  That guiding purpose, that vision, was well illustrated by Norman Lear.  

The second basic integredient of leadership is passion - the underlying passion for the promises of life, combined with a very particular passion for a vocation, a profession, a course of action.  The leader loves what he or she does and loves doing it.  Tolstoy said that hopes are the dreams of the waking man.  Without hope, we cannot survive, much less progress.  The leader who communicates passion gives hope and inspiration to other people.  This ingredient tends to  come up with different spins on it - sometimes it appears as enthusiasm, especially in chapter eight, "Getting People on Your Side."
第二個基本要素是熱情 - 這種熱情來自對生活有所期許,加上你對天命、熱情、和行動步驟的特殊熱情。領導者熱愛他所做的,並樂在其中。托爾斯泰說,希望是清醒者的夢。沒有希望,我們無法生存,更別想進步。領導者會熱人感染他的熱情,藉此給予他人希望和鼓勵。這個要素往往以不同的風格出現 - 例如「熱情」。

The next basic ingredient of leadership is integrity.  I think there are three essential parts of integrity: self-knowledge, candor, and maturity.  

"Know thyself," was the inscription over the Oracle at Delphi.  And it is still the most difficult task any of us faces.  But until you truly know yourself, strengths and weaknesses, know what you want to do and why you want to do it, you cannot succeed in any but the most superficial sense of the word.  Leader never lie to themselves, especially about themselves, know their faults as well as their assets, and deal with then directly.  You are your own raw material.  When you know what you consist of and what you want to make of it, then you can invent yourself.  

Candor is the key to self-knowledge.  Candor is based in honesty of thought and action, a steadfast devotion to principle, and a fundamental soundness and wholeness.  An architect who designs a Bauhaus glass box with a Victorian cupola lacks professional integrity, as does any person who trims his or her principles - or even ideas - to please.  Like Lillian Hellman, the leader cannot cut his or her conscience to fit this year's fashions.  

Maturity is important to a leader because leading is not simply showing the way or issuing orders.  Every leader needs to have experienced and grown through following - learning to be dedicated, observant, capable of working with and learning from others, never servile, always truthful.  Having located the qualities in themselves, leaders can encourage them in others.  

Integrity is the basic of trust, which is not as much as ingredient of leadership as it is a product.  It is the one quality that cannot be acquired, but must be earned.  It is given by co-workers and followers, and without it, the leader can't function.  I'll talk about trust in greater detail in chapter eight, "Getting People on Your Side."  

Two more basic ingredients of leadership are curiosity and daring.  Leaders wonder about everything, want to learn as much as they can, are willing to take risks, experiment, try new things.  They do not worry about failure, but embrace errors, knowing they will learn from them.  Learning from adversity is another theme that comes up again and again in this book, often with different spins.  In fact, that could be said of each of he basic ingredients.  

Even though I talk about basic ingredients, I'm not talking about traits that you're born with and can't change.  As countless deposed kings and hapless heirs to great fortunes can attest, true leaders are not born, but made, and usually self-made.  Leaders invent themselves.  They are not, by the way, made in a single weekend seminar, as many of the leadership-theory spokesmen claim.  I've come to think of that one as the microwave theory: pop in Mr. or Ms. Average and out pops McLeader in sixty seconds. 雖然我談了領導者的基本要素,但這些要素不是領導者與生俱來而且無法改變的。歷史上有無數被推翻下台的國王、和下場悲慘的富豪後代,證明了領導者不是天生的,而是後天努力的結果,而且通常是靠領導者自己打造出來的。領導者創造自己,不過,他們可不是上了那種短短一個週末的領導者速成班,就成為真正的領導者。我認為這些領導者速成班就像微波爐,以為丟進一個資質平庸的人,六十秒就能端出一個盤領導者。

p. 37
When Henry Kissinger was asked what he had learned from the presidents he had worked with. ... Kissinger replied, "Presidents don't do great things by dwelling on their limitations, but by focusing on their possibilities."  They leave the past behind them and turn toward the future.

... Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy invented themselves and then invented the future.  Johnson and Nixon were made by their pasts.  They imposed those mean lessons of their pasts on the present, enshrouding the future.  Good leaders engage the world. Bad leaders entrap it, or try.  

The Greeks believed that excellence was based on a perfect balance of eros and logos, or feeling and thought, which together allow us to understand the world on all levels, from "the concrete contemplation of the complete facts."  True understanding derives from engagement and from the full deployment of ourselves.  As John Gardner once said, talent is one thing, while its triumphant expression is another.  Only when we are fully deployed are we capable of that triumphant expression.  Full deployment, engagement, hone and sharpen all of one's gifts, and ensure that one will be an original, not a copy.  

Leaders have nothing but themselves to work with.  It is one of the paradoxes of life that good leaders rise to the top in spite of their weakness, while bad leaders rise because of their weakness.  

What is true for leaders is, for better or for worse, true for each of us: we are our raw material.  Only when we know what we're made of and what we want to make of it can we begin our lives - and we must do it despite an unwitting conspiracy of people and events against us.  
只要是領導者所認定的真理 - 不論好壞,就會成為我們每個人的真理。我們是自己的構成原料,只有當我們知道自己的組成元素,並知道要把自己做成什麼樣子之後,才能開始生活;儘管會受到眾人或事件無意的阻撓,我們還是得做下去。

Codifying one's thinking is an important step in inventing oneself.  The most difficult way to do it is by thinking about thinking - it helps to speak or write your thoughts.  Writing is the most profound way of codifying your thoughts, the best way of learning from yourself who you are and what you believe.  

If knowing yourself and being yourself were as easy to do as to talk about, there wouldn't be nearly so many people walking around in borrowed postures, spouting secondhand ideas, trying desperately to fit in rather than to stand out.  

As Emerson says, "What you are speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say."

... what determines the level of satisfaction in post-middle-aged men is the degree to which they acted upon their youthful dreams.  It's not so much whether they were successful in achieving their dreams as the honest pursuit of them that counts.  The spiritual dimension in creative effort comes from that honest pursuit.

... When you write your own life, then no matter what happens, you have played the game that was natural for you to play.  If, as someone said, "it is the supervisor's role in a modern industrial society to limit the potential of the people who work for him," then it is your task to do whatever you must to break out of such limits and live up to your potential, to keep the covenant with your youthful dreams.

Norman Lear would add to this that the goal isn't worth arriving at unless you enjoy the journey.  "You have to look at success incrementally," he said.  "It takes too long to get to any major success. ... If one can look at life as being successful on a moment-by-moment basis, one might find that most of it is successful.  And take the bow inside for it.  When we wait for the big bow, it's a lousy bargain.  They don't come out once in too long a time."

Applauding yourself for the small successes, and taking the small bow, are good ways of learning to experience life each moment that you live it.  And that's part of inventing yourself, of creating yours own destiny.  

To become a leader, then, you must become yourself, become the maker of your own life.  

hlperng 發表於 2013-12-23 16:35:28


p. 60

Famed psychoanalyst Erik Erikson has divided life into eight stages that are useful to look at during our examination of self-invention:  知名心理分析師艾力克‧艾力克森將人生分為八個階段,對檢驗自我創造過程很有用:

1. Infancy
嬰兒期Basic True vs. Basic Mistrust
基本的信任 vs. 基本的不信任= Hope or Withdrawal
期望 或 退卻
2. Early Childhood
幼兒期Autonomy vs. Shame, Doubt
自主 vs. 害羞懷疑 = Will or Compulsion
願意 或 被迫
3. Play Age
玩耍期Initiative vs. Guilt
進取心 vs. 罪惡感= Purpose or Inhibition
決心 或 阻礙
4. School Age
學齡期Industry vs. Inferiority
勤奮 vs. 自卑= Competence or Inertia
勝任 或 遲鈍
5. Adolescence
青春期Identity vs. Identity Confusion
認同 vs. 認同混淆= Fidelity or Repudiation
忠誠 或 否定
6. Young Adulthood
青年期Initimacy vs. Isolation
親密 vs. 孤立= Love or Exclusivity
喜愛 或 排外

7. Adulthood
成人期Generativity vs. Stagnation
發展 vs. 停滯= Care or Rejectivity
關懷 或 拋棄
8. Old Age
老年期Integrity vs. Despair
完整 vs. 絕望= Wisdom or Disdain
智慧 或 鄙賤

hlperng 發表於 2013-12-24 09:28:25


本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2013-12-24 13:13 編輯

Leaders, Not Managers

I tend to think of the differences between leaders and managers as the differences between those who master the context and those who surrender to it.  There are other differences, as well, and they are enormous and crecial:

The leader innovates.管理者執行。
The manager administers.
The leader is an original.管理者複製品。
The manager is a copy.
The leader develops.管理者維持現狀。
The manager maintains.
The leader focuses on people.管理者聚焦在系統與結構。
The manager focus on system and strucure.
The leader inspires trust.管理者依賴控制。
The manager relies on control.
The leader has a long-range perspective.管理者眼光狹隘。
The manager has a short-range view.
The leader asks what and why.管理者問如何做與何時做。
The manager asks how and when.
The leader's eys is on the horizon.管理者盯著結果。
The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line.
The leader originates.管理者模仿。
The manager imitates.
The leader challenge status quo.管理者接受現狀。
The manager accepts the status quo.
The leader is his or her own person.管理者是傳統的好士兵。
The manager is the classic good soldier.
The leader does the right things.管理者把事做好。
The manager does things right.
The leader masters the context.管理者屈服於內涵現況。
The manager surrenders to the context.

hlperng 發表於 2013-12-24 13:25:42


本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2013-12-24 14:18 編輯

p. 42
To reprise Wallace Stevens, managers wear square hats and learn through training.  Leaders wear sombreros and opt for education.  Consider the differences between training and education:  

Education (教育)Training (訓練)
inductive (歸納) deductive (演繹)
tentative (嚐試的) firm (確定的)
dynamic (動態的) static (靜態的)
understanding (理解式)memorizing (背誦式)
ideas (概念)facts (事實)
broad (寬廣)narrow (狹隘)
deep (深入)surface (表面)
experiential (體驗的)rote (死記的)
active (積極的)passive (消極的)
questions (提問題)answers (要答案)
process (過程)content (內容)
strategy (策略)tactics (戰術)
alternatives (選擇)goal (目標)
exploration (探索)prediction (預告)
discovery (發現)dogma (教條)
active (主動的)reactive (被動的)
initiative (創新的)direction (指示的)
whole brain (全腦)left brain (左腦)
life (生活)job (工作)
long-term (長期)short-term (短期)
change (改變)stability (穩定)
content (內容)form (形式)
flexible (彈性的)rigid (僵化的)
risk (冒險的)rules (守成的)
synthesis (綜合推理)thesis (單一論點)
open (開放的)closed (封閉的)
imagination (想像力)common sense (常識)
The Sum: Leader (加總 = 領導者)The sum: Manager (加總 = 管理者)

If the list on the left seems strange to you, it's because that isn't the way we are usually taught.  Our educational system is really better at training than education.  And that's unfortunate.  Training is good for dogs, because we require obedience from them.  In people, all it does is orient than toward the bottom line.  

The list of the left of all the qualities that business schools don't encourage enough, as they too often opt for the short-run, profit-maximizing, microeconomic bottom line.  Bottom lines have nothing to do with problem-finding.  And we need people who know how to find problems, because the ones we face today aren't always clearly defined, and they aren't linear.  Frank Gehry and other great architects have move away from the old divinity of right angles to rhomboids, rounded spaces, and parabolas.  They are designing sombreros.  Aspiring leaders must also think non-traditionally.  

hlperng 發表於 2013-12-24 16:00:51


本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2013-12-24 16:33 編輯

Tom Peters:
Warren Bennis - master practioner, researcher, and theoretician all in one - has managed to create a practical primer for leaders without sacrificing an iota of necessary subtlety and complexity.  No topic is more important; no more able and caring person has attacked it.

The lessons here are crisp and persuasive.  

Peter Drucker:
This is Warren Bennis's most important book.  

Dallas Times-Herald:
A joy to read ... studded with gems of insight.

Bennis identifies the key ingredients of leadership success and offers a game plan for cultivating those qualities.

Business Forum:
Clearly Bennis's best work in a long line of impressive, significant contributions.

Harvey B. McKay:
Totally intriguing, throught-stretching insights into the clockworks of leaders.  Bennis has masterfully peeled the onion to reveal the heartseed of leadership.  Read it and reap.  

Betty Friedan:
Warren Bennis gets to the heart of leadership, to the essence of integrity, authenticity, and vision that can never be pinned down to a manipulative formula.  This book can help any of us select the new leaders we so urgently need.  

Charles Handy:
Warren Bennis's insight and his gift with words make these lessons, from some of America's most interesting leaders, compelling reading for every executive.  

CaesarChang@IP 發表於 2021-8-23 00:03:31

謝謝彭博! 很棒的分享

Shu 發表於 2021-8-23 08:53:11

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查看完整版本: 書籍:論成為領導者 - 領導能力經典(領導,不需要頭銜)(2009)