hlperng 發表於 2020-1-3 10:42:15

倫理 (ethics)、道德 (morals)、與道義 (deontology)

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2020-1-3 11:36 編輯

一般而言,倫理 (ethics) 與道德 (morality) 兩個字是互通的,不過兩者之間還是有些微的差異,特別是從分類學的觀點,凡事總是要有所區別。職業道德、職場倫理、執業倫理等是常見的普通名詞。近年來,電腦、人工智慧、機器人、自駕車等議題越來越普及,相對地倫理、道德、與道義的議題也成為在技術發展過程中另外一個值得大家關注的項目。

倫理 (ethics):
[*]The rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group or culture.
[*]Ethics are governed by professional and legal guidelines within a particular time and place.

道德 (morality):

[*]Principles or habits with respect to right or wrong conduct. Morals also prescribe dos and don'ts, morality is ultimately a persons compass of right and wrong.
[*]Morality transcends cultural norms.

道義 (deontology):義務論,希臘文 deno (duty) + logos (science),從字面上直覺的意思是代表責任的科學。

倫理和道德的不同通常也是在於對 (right) 與好 (good) 之間的區別,做對的事 (Do the right things),或是做好事或把事做好 (Do the thing right)。

倫理是道德的載具 (Ethics are the vehicle of morals.),道德的行動。


[*]Ethics vs. Morals. https://www.diffen.com/difference/Ethics_vs_Morals

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